Challenge yourself with some really hard riddles with answers! Think you got what it takes to solve these super hard riddles? Then enter the arena and prepare yourself for some of the most difficult riddles around. Riddles are a great way to keep your mind sharp and to test the analytical and critical thinking skills of friends, family, kids and students. See if anyone you know might just have genius-level abilities by challenging them with these tough riddles. Riddles make a great addition to a party or as a good icebreaker. They are also terrific for simply keeping your mind active. In this collection you will find 3 sections: 1) a general selection of hard riddles to solve, 2) hard riddles for kids and 3) hard riddles for adults. So stretch out that mind, warm up those mental engines and prepare to solve some very hard riddles.

Hard Riddles with Answers

You should keep me as straight as can be, yet very few do. Most of the time I am slightly bent or curved. Your sadness usually causes me to bend further, but don’t bend me for too long or I may never be able to fully straighten out again. What am I?

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Your posture

If 66 = 2, 99 = 2, 888 = 6, 00 = 2, 7777 = 0, 667= 2, 276 = 1, 833 = 2, then what does 2876 equal?

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Three. Each circle within a number is equivalent to one. For example, the numbers 9 and 6 are equivalent to one because they have one circle in them, whereas the number 8 is equal to 2 because of its two loops.

Are you smart enough for these tricky riddles?

Each day many people from all over the world come and visit me, however they usually only stay for a few minutes. I am considered by many to be very dirty yet few people would want to live without me. And, whenever people come see me, they reveal to me a part of themselves that they rarely show to others. What or who am I?

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A toilet

Sometimes I shine, sometimes I’m dull, sometimes I am big, and sometimes I am small. I can be pointy, I can be curved, and don’t ask me questions because even though I’m sharp, I’m not smart enough to answer you. What am I?

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A knife

I am believed to be only one dimensional, and tinier than anything can be, and there are many who say that I am the basis of all that we see. What am I?

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A string (from String Theory)

A limo driver is going the wrong way down a one way street. He goes past four police officers along the way, yet none of them stop him. One even smiled and waved. Why didn’t the police stop him?

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Because the limo driver was walking, not driving

How about some funny hard riddles? Like to laugh? If so, you’ll love these funny riddles

If all Wibbles are Criggles, all Borkins are Kwumblins, no Hoggles are Borkins, and all Criggles are Borkins, is it true that all Borkins are Criggles?

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No, it is false

What do you get if you add 2 blackberries and 5 apples?

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A house full of gadgets

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Which of the following is the largest? Triangle, circle, square, or rectangle?

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Rectangle, it has the most letters

I can be long and can be short, I can be black, white, brown or purple. You can find me the world over and I am often the main event. What am I?

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How can you fit 4 apples inside a box that measures 7x4x2 inches?

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Put 4 Apple iPhones in the box

If pentagons have five sides, octagons have 8 sides, decagons have 10 sides and hexagons have 6. How many sides does a family of 3 have on their dining table?

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That depends on how many side dishes are being served

What is the equivalent of 4k + 2k +k?

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7000 (k is a symbol for 1000)

How can you burn an apple, blueberry, rose and pumpkin without leaving any ashes but retaining the smell of it?

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By burning a candle with its scent

Whoa! You made it all the way here? You…totally…rock. You might just be worthy of these math riddles

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Hard Riddles for Kids

hard riddles with answers

The collection of hard riddles for kids below is designed to be more appropriate for children. Make no mistake these are still hard riddles to solve, but they are not necessarily extremely hard riddles. It can be hard to keep a child’s attention, especially at school or other learning environments. Kids often see education as boring, but riddles are a great way to actually make the learning process fun and engaging. And, of course, children love a challenge. You may also enjoy be interested in our largest selection of riddles for kids. So, without further ado, here is our collection of challenging riddles with answers for kids.

You can collect me and you can toss me, you can flip me, you can spin me, and people all around the world have different versions of me. What am I?

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A coin

Besides another number, what can you add to the number 3 to turn it into an even number?

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The letter E to the left of it. By connecting it with the letter E on the left side it turns into an eight (E3 = 8)

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I flicker and I glow and tell stories and put on a show, to make me you must move super fast many pieces of art from the first to the last. What am I?

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A cartoon

What do cinders, charcoal, ember, and fire have that a smoke simply doesn’t have?

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The letter R

Make those crazy teen years a bit more fun with these funny riddles for teens

What has a spot and is very bright, is sometimes, red, white, blue, yellow or green and is often blinding.

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A spotlight

If you throw a bottle of wine, a carton of juice and a can of soda at someone’s head, which one will hurt the least?

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A can of soda because it is a soft drink

I can be sad, I can be happy, I can be angry and cry, I come with many faces and sometimes many sizes. I am able to communicate things words often cannot and I can move from place to place at the speed of light. What am I?

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Claire ordered a meal for her family of four at a fast food restaurant. She ordered meal numbers 1, 3, 7 and 9 but the ended up giving all the food back. Why is that?

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Because the food was odd

Need more? Have a big brain? See if you can unravel these logic riddles

Hard Riddles for Adults

riddles and answers hardWhile many of the difficult riddles from the first section could also fit here, these hard riddles for adults with answers were selected not only because they are especially challenging, but also because some may be more appropriate to a mature and older mind. And kids simply may not understand some of these riddles. So, test your friends, push your own limits and drive people nuts with these really tough riddles for adults. You may also enjoy our biggest collection of riddles for adults.

What kind of cup cannot hold water or other liquids and must be just the right size or it might have a lot of spillage?

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A bra cup

If I don’t keep time correctly it may mean death. I cause a beating that doesn’t hurt, but rather sustains life. What am I ?

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Tired from all these extremely difficult riddles with answers? Take a load off with some easy riddles

Four very obese women, one from Egypt, one from Lebanon, one from Sudan, and a British women became very sad when they lost 30 pounds. Why would they be sad?

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Because in their countries pounds are currency, not a measure of weight

I am sometimes old and sometimes sharp, I am often rich and fine and I absolutely love to have with me a nice glass of wine. What am I?

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Why do the circle and oval only date shapes that are the same as themselves?

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Because they are not straight

Check out this collection of the top teacher blogs

Besides all being fruit, what do Apples, Blackberries, Tangerines, Apricots and Raspberries have in common?

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All are (or have been) the name of a tech company or tech company’s product

What did the number 1 say to number 11 when they were out shopping for jeans?

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Nice gap, (thigh gap – sorry men, but you won’t get this one)

Mary and Jackie went on a vacation. They both got 2 separate hotel rooms. The rooms have no heating and Jackie was really cold but Mary was not. Without adding any clothing or wrapping herself in any other material or using any fire for heat, what did Mary do to stay warm in that cold empty room?

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Mary huddled in the corner of the room where it is always 90 degrees (think about it…)

Wow, you made it all the way down to the bottom of this page? Your brain must be gigantic! Perhaps you deserve a shot at solving these extremely tricky riddles.

→We hope you got some great mental exercise from these short hard riddles and answers! Please share with those who you think would enjoy these riddles.