Gobble, gobble. Happy Thanksgiving! Make the pumpkin pie and turkey even tastier by sinking your teeth into a few Thanksgiving riddles. Thanksgiving is a time where family gathers, eats, plays games and often annoys one another. Thanksgiving can sometimes be a stressful holiday, especially for those who have to prepare and host the meal. Many associate the day with a family dialogue that often intensifies into a full-fledged yelling competition. But Thanksgiving should be about gratitude, togetherness and relaxation. These riddles for Thanksgiving will allow you to share some thought-provoking, cute, and humorous riddles, which is a great way to break the ice or ease tension. Research shows that religion, politics, climate change and other family drama should be avoided like the plague on Thanksgiving day. So instead make it a new tradition to tell Thanksgiving riddles at the Thanksgiving table. Make laugh not war!

Here you will find 3 sections: 1) a general collection of Thanksgiving riddles, 2) Thanksgiving riddles for adults and 3) Thanksgiving riddles for kids.

Thanksgiving Riddles And Answers

If roses are red, violets are blue, what is stuffed, brown and blue?
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A turkey holding it’s breath

I can be hot or cold, I can be made with fruit, vegetable or meat but either way you see it, on a Thanksgiving table I will be a treat. What am I?

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You see this festive event along the street on this special day, from Felix to Mickey to Dora and Bugs Bunny, all people will make way. What is it?

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The Thanksgiving Day Parade

I have ears but I cannot hear and I have flakes but I have no hair. What am I?

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What do the Pilgrims, Indians and Puritans have in common?
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The letter “i”!
How did the chicken, the pheasant, turkey, duck and goose get in trouble?
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Because of their fowl language
What can never be eaten at Thanksgiving dinner?
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Thanksgiving breakfast and lunch
What do grateful, thankful, wonderful and joyful have all in common?
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They are all stuffed

The holidays are here! Check out our jolly Christmas riddles! Or warm up with some winter riddles.

Can you tell which side of the turkey has more feathers?
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Yes, the outside
What is brown, big and red all over? 
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A turkey with cranberry sauce
How is it possible that a turkey can end up with 3 legs even though it has only 2 legs?
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Because it had grown another foot
What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey? 
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The turkey is stuffed
If you’re carving the turkey with an electric cutter, what kind of battery does it need when it runs out of power?
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None because it is electric powered
What has feathers and a beak but it is dressed?
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A Thanksgiving turkey
How can you tell which part of the turkey is the left side?
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The part that was not eaten
I get stuffed and I get dressed on Thanksgiving. What am I?
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The Thanksgiving host
Can a turkey fly higher than an ostrich?
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Yes because ostriches don’t fly
When the Pilgrims walked off their boat into the new world, on what did they stand?
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Their feet
What’s has feathers, a bowed head and kneels?
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A turkey praying to not be eaten
What did the pumpkin say to the turkey on Thanksgiving?
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You’re lucky you’re only eaten on one holiday! This is my second one in a month!
The holidays are all about stuffing yourself! So, check out these food riddles.

Thanksgiving Riddles for Adults

thanksgiving riddles for adultsWhether you’re the Thanksgiving host or not, be the one who everybody remembers as the “funny one that cracked me up” or the “thought-provoking one” on Thanksgiving day. Make this holiday full of fun and laughter with some of these hilarious and hard Thanksgiving riddles for adults. They go well with a traditional Thanksgiving family feast. Our adult riddles are sure to add a challenge and excitement to this holiday. We hope you enjoy these Thanksgiving jokes and riddles for adults.

If you feel scared on Halloween, jolly on Christmas, how do feel on Thanksgiving?
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Pious and devout, I wear black and white clothes and funny hats. I am not a nun nor a priest, but I was an adventurer. Who am I?
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If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
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The Pilgrims
What is hard, oddly-shaped and brings you good fortune on Thanksgiving?
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A wishbone
If a tur-key has a key, and a don-key also has a key, what would you expect a monkey to have?
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A banana!
Do you love riddles? Then you will love our riddles about love!

How do you make a Pilgrim and turkey float?

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Put 2 scoops of ice cream, a rootbeer and a pie and turkey in a glass
What has feathers, is wild and ready for a party?
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A dressed turkey
I am everywhere at Thanksgiving ready to be tried, I wanna get away but I got dressed and now I can’t fly. What am I?
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Why did the turkey got arrested and put into jail?
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Because of its fowl attitude
What is that favorite sport of pumpkins and gourds?
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What do you get when you cross a turkey and a monkey?
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A banana that gobbles
If it took 3 women 4 hours to roast a turkey, how long would it take 4 women to roast the same turkey?
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None the turkey is already roasted
If four women can bake four pumpkin pies in four hours, how many pies can eight women bake in eight hours?
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16 pies
Why did the turkey end up in the oven dressed and killed?
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Because there was fowl play, he ended up dead
How can you tell the difference between a male and female turkey?
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The male has a beer belly
What is red and has feathers all over?
Show Answer
A turkey blushing
Need more? Find more at our largest collection of riddles for adults.

Thanksgiving Riddles for Kids

thanksgiving riddles for kidsEngage your kids at Thanksgiving dinner with this collection of cute and funny Thanksgiving riddles for kids. It can be a challenge to keep children entertained, but kids love riddles! So this holiday season, challenge the little ones and let them show off what they know about Thanksgiving and turkeys. Enjoy these Thanksgiving day riddles for children.

I can be a sweet potato or an apple, I can be warm or cold, but one thing is for sure I am delicious and loved by so many. What am I?
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A pie
When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
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In the dictionary
If the turkey says gobble, gobble, gobble, and a peach says cobbler, cobbler, cobbler, what would a computer say?
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Google, google, google
Which of the following does not belong at the Thanksgiving table: sweet potato, apples, carrots or onions?
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Apples, all remaining are root vegetables
We came over in the Mayflower, crossed the ocean on a ship using the power of the wind and were taught how to grow food by those who were there before us. Who are we?
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The Pilgrims
Need more kid-friendly riddles? Head over to our largest collection of riddles for kids.
Thanksgiving is here, everyone grab a chair, for it’s time to eat a tasty bird who flies through the air. What bird is it?
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I am a 12 letter word, 2 compound words and people celebrate me in the fall. What am I? 
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I am a key that can fly and gobble. What am I? 
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A tur-key
What is big, stuffed and brown all over?
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A stuffed and roasted turkey
What has feathers, is the star of a November feast and goes up and down?
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A turkey in an elevator
If an apple, pear and peach come from a tree, where do turkeys come from?
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A poul-tree
I can be crushed, baked, carved and you can see me everywhere on Thanksgiving. What am I?
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A pumpkin
What do you call it when it’s raining turkey and birds?
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Fowl weather
What’s the favorite food of mathematicians for Thanksgiving?
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Pumpkin pi
You made it to the bottom of the page? You rock! You may just have the mental acumen to tackle our short riddles. Or, wait…do you know what time it is? It’s time for some time riddles!
We hope that our Thanksgiving riddles will add some fun and laughter to your table this holiday season. We are here to save you! Whether you need to start a conversation, lighten the mood, fill an awkward silence or show off your riddles skills we’ve got you covered. So fill your tummies with some yummy Thanksgiving food and your mind with some Thanksgiving riddles until your appetite for challenge and humor if stuffed. Please share these with others who appreciate a good holiday riddle.